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Android Classes in BTM Layout Bangalore

Best Android Training in

Android Training in BTM Layout & Best Android Classes in Bangalore

IT Networks offers the best Android Training in BTM Layout with most experienced professionals. We conduct all our students from the Basic Level of Android Classes to Advanced level. All these Classes are undergone not only theoretically, but also are executed on the real-time basis. Our Trainers are Real-time Working professionals in the Android Field from many years with hands on real time Android Project Knowledge.

IT Networks is a highly experienced Android Training Institute in BTM Layout. This has helped students to get placed in top MNCs. We Offer Android Classes in BTM Layout for working professionals and students. we offer Regular training classes in Morning Batches and Evening Batches we also offer Weekend Training classes and Fast-track Training Classes for Android Course.

PART – 1 ( Core Android )


Introduction to Android Classroom Training


Android Apps – Design, Vendor, Behavioural classification

Android Architecture

Android project


Android Application prototype

Discussion about the project interfaces and workflow

Real-time scenarios and requirements

Your Android Application


Using PhotoShop for graphic designing

” As an android application developer, if you also learn how to design the icons and graphics you can do magic with your apps. Learning icon designing will not make you wait for a UI developer or a Graphic Designer “


Android Application screens

” We will ask for your choice to give us an application to develop during the course duration or our trainer will be giving you the project overview which will be developed till the end of the course “


Setup of Android Development environment


Java, Android SDK installation

Android SDK & Tools

Test environment


Device Definitions & Android Virtual Devices

Active devices ( USB debugging )

Your First Android Application


Creating android application/project

Creating configurations

Testing the app: AVD, Active device

Android project structure


Android Project Structure

Android Resources

” Every application once installed on your device, you will start it by clicking on the image/icon which is drawable. You install WHATSAPP, you will get the icon on the launcher pad of your device”


Android Manifest file

Gradle build

Views and Layouts


About XML – approach to design layouts

Views and Layouts

Views – Toast, AutoCompleteTextView, DatePicker, TimePicker, ProgressBar

Linear Layout vs. Relative Layout vs. Frame Layout vs. Absolute Layout

Best practices for targeting various form factors: phone, tablet, TV

“Screen performance will be the reason for the largest power drain on users phone and the screen will be the primary interface for your app. UI should be optimized for better performance”




Activity lifecycle and callback methods

Registering activities

Android Debugging Tools


Dalvik Debug Monitor Server ( DDMS )

Hierarchy Viewer

Obfuscating and optimizing with ProGuard

Publishing to the Play Store


Release process & Release build of Android application

Signing the .apk file, Preparing the Store Listing page

Distributing the application on Play Store

” You can place your APP on your website, but Play Store is a platform which can market your application across all the compatible devices running with the Android Platform “




Designing fragments

“Every time you need not write the components from the beginning. Build reusable modular components”


Fragments lifecycle, Fragment management and interaction

Advanced UI


Adapters – BaseAdapter, ListAdapter, CursorAdapter, Customized Adapter

Custom UI components – ListView, GridView

Menus – Context Menu, Options Menu, Popup Menu

Dialogs – Alert Dialog, Progress Dialog, Customized Dialogs

Animations – Property Animations, Drawable Animations

“Use animations in a sensitive way having a balance between UI & battery performance”


Android Material Design


What is the material?

Material properties

Material Styling / Animations

” Material design is a comprehensive guide for visual, motion, and interaction design across platforms and devices. Android now includes support for material design apps “


Material Patterns – Floating Action Buttons, Card Views, Navigation Drawer



Working with Intents

Explicit and implicit intents

“When you open an application you will not be on the same first page. Use Intents to go to Inbox page of your GMAIL app when you click the Login button “


Using Intents as messaging objects

Intents to start components expecting results

Broadcast Receivers


Broadcast receiver usage patterns: when and why to use them

Implementing a broadcast receiver

“To listen to the different events happening on the device like network changes, battery status changes, telephony state changes, you need to have a registered receiver.  Your AUTOMATIC CALL RECORDER application will listen to telephony events”


Registering a broadcast receiver via the manifest file

Registering a broadcast receiver programmatically

Threads in Android


Android Application Threads

UI Thread, Binder Thread, Background Threads

Background Services


Overview of Android services

Service lifecycle, Declaring a service

“If you are uploading your profile picture on your FACEBOOK application, you should not block the user until the photo is uploaded. Run it in a background service.  “


Registering a service, starting and stopping a service



Storing and retrieving data


Storage Model selection criteria

“Every piece of data cannot be sent to the remote server. For easy access files can be saved offline on the device.


WHATSAPP app will allow to watch the videos and listen to the audio files even if you are connected to Internet once you have downloaded the content. “


Shared preferences, Internal Storage – Files, External Storage – SD Card

Testing the created files, tools

SQLite Database                                    


Introducing SQLite

SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database

Opening and closing a database

“PHONEBOOK application will have organized set of contacts in the form of records and fields”


Working with cursors, loaders and adapters

Inserts, updates, and deletes

Native Content Providers


Content provider types, Searching for content

Adding, changing, and removing content

Native Android Content Providers

“Access the PHONEBOOK application data from your application to send an SMS or to make a call or send an email. Share your non-sensitive data with other apps”


Accessing Contacts API

Publishing Web Services


Understanding Web Services

Web Services Architecture

Building Server side components

Publishing web services

REST based web services

Consuming Web Services


Integrating Web Services with mobile client

“Your phone offline storage will not support to save every type of content. RED BUS app will pass on the data to their servers using web services and get the data whenever your apps requires the bus schedules.”


Overview of networking

Checking the network status

Checking the web service status

Working with HTTP to access the web services

Parsing, Parsers


Document Object Model ( DOM )

Simple API for XML ( SAX )

JavaScript Object Notation ( JSON )

Parsing XML and JSON

Location Based Services


Using Location Manager, Location Provider

GPS and Network based tracking

“Get your exact locations using GPS and approximate locations using NETWORK. Let us work out on how to do live tracking of the device. UBER or OLA apps will function on the live tracking of the cabs”


Testing the application using KML files

Simulation of the locations on the active device

Location Listeners and Proximity Alerts

Integrating Google Maps                              


API Version 2 of Google Maps

“Addresses will be best understood visually using Maps. Place your photos on the Map to identify where you are placed.”


User Interface – Map Fragments, API key generation

Adding Markers, Circles, Polylines

Customizing the Information Window

Google Maps Intents

Google Maps Directions API

“You cannot build a database of all the places in the world. You have the data ready to access using Google Places. MAPS application will give you suggestions from this. “




SMS manager

Working with messaging – single & multi-part

“TRUECALLER  app will tracking the incoming calls and it will do a search process for the name. “


Multimedia in Android                    


Playing Audio & Video

“HOTSTAR app will be live telecasting the cricket matches and it is an android application”


Voice Recognition

Text To Speech

Camera API



Customizing Camera & Capturing Photos

“SELFIE apps will access the front-facing camera of the device”




Controlling local Bluetooth device

Discovering and bonding with Bluetooth devices

Social Networking Integrations               



“PINTEREST app will allow the users to login and access the services using your Facebook credentials”


Google Plus

Firebase / Google Cloud Messaging (FCM)


Notification API

Push Notifications using GCM

“FLIPKART OR AMAZON apps will send notifications whenever they are have offers or sale dates. It is called a PUSH NOTIFICATION”


Kotlin Introduction :

Kotlin Hello World – You First Kotlin Program.

How the Kotlin program works.

Comparison With Java “Hello, World!” program.

Kotlin Data Types :

Kotlin Variables and Basic Types

How to declare a variable in Kotlin?

Difference Between var and val

Kotlin Basic Types

Number Type







Kotlin Arrays

Kotlin Strings

Kotlin Operators :

Arithmetic Operators

Concatenation of Strings

How arithmetic operators actually work?

Assignment Operators

Unary prefix and Increment / Decrement Operators

Comparison and Equality Operators

Logical Operators

in Operator

Index access Operator

Invoke Operation

Bitwise Operation

shl – Signed shift left

shr – Signed shift right

ushr – Unsigned shift right

and – Bitwise and

or – Bitwise or

xor – Bitwise xor

inv – Bitwise inversion

Kotlin Type Conversion with examples :

Conversion from Larger to Smaller Type

Kotlin Expression, Statements and Blocks :

Kotlin Expressions with examples

Kotlin Statements with examples

Kotlin Blocks with examples

Kotlin Comments

Traditional comment /* … */

End of Line Comment //

Use Comments the Right Way

Kotlin Basic Input/Output :

Koltin Output with the example

Difference Between println() and print()

Kotlin Input

Getting Integer Input from the User

Kotlin Flow Control :

Kotlin if Expression with examples

Kotlin when Expression with examples

Kotlin while and do-while Loop with examples

Kotlin for Loop

Kotlin break Expression

Kotlin continue Expression

Kotlin Functions :

Types of Functions

Kotlin Standard Library Function

User-defined Functions

How to call a function?

How functions with arguments and return value work?

Kotlin Infix Function Call :

Kotlin Default and Named Arguments

Kotlin Default Argument

How default arguments work?

Kotlin named argument

Kotlin Recursion (Recursive Function) and Tail Recursion-

How does recursion work in programming?

How does this program work?

Kotlin Tail Recursion

The condition for tail recursion

Kotlin OOP :

Kotlin Class and Objects :

Object-oriented Programming (OOP)

Kotlin Class

How to define a class in Kotlin?

Kotlin Objects

How to access members?

Kotlin Constructors :

1)Primary Constructor

Primary Constructor and Initializer Blocks

Default Value in Primary Constructor

2)Kotlin Secondary Constructor


Kotlin Getters and Setters :

How do getters and setters work?


Kotlin Inheritance :

1)Why inheritance?

2)Kotlin inheritance with examples

Overriding Member Functions and Properties

Calling Members of Base Class from Derived Class


Kotlin Visibility Modifiers :

1)Visibility Modifiers Inside Package

2)Visibility Modifiers Inside Classes and Interfaces

3)Changing Visibility of a Constructor


Kotlin Abstract Class :

Kotlin Abstract Class and Method


Kotlin Interfaces :

1)How to define an interface?

2)How to implement an interface?

3)Implementing Two or More Interfaces in a Class

4)Resolving overriding conflicts (Multiple Interface)


Kotlin Nested and Inner Class :

1)Kotlin Nested Class with examples

2)Kotlin Inner Class with examples


Kotlin Data Class :

1)Kotlin Data Class Requirements

2)hashCode() and equals()

3)Destructuring Declarations


Kotlin Sealed Classes :

Difference Between Enum and Sealed Class


Kotlin Object Declarations and Expressions :

Object Declarations

Singletons and Dependency Injection

Kotlin object Expressions :

Kotlin Companion Objects :

Kotlin Extension Function :

Kotlin Operator Overloading :

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Android Training trainer Profile & Placement

  • More than 10 Years of experience in Android Training
  • Has worked on multiple realtime Android Training
  • Working in a top MNC company in
  • Trained 2000+ Students so far in Android Training .
  • Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge
  • Certified Professionals

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  • More than 2000+ students Trained in Android Training
  • 92% percent Placement Record
  • 1000+ Interviews Organized

Android Training batch size in

Regular Batch ( Morning, Day time & Evening)

  • Seats Available : 8 (maximum)

Android Training Weekend Training Batch( Saturday, Sunday & Holidays)

  • Seats Available : 8 (maximum)

Android Training Fast Track batch

  • Seats Available : 5 (maximum)

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Android Training Reviews

Android Training  in Bangalore - Marathahalli
IT Networks

4.9 out of 5
based on 6284 ratings.

IT Networks Marathalli is the No.1 Android training center in bangalore .I joined this institute for Android course and I feeling i have made a right decision. excellent training environment . I am happy to be part of it .I got 2 LIVE Projects in Android during my course.


There are many institutes providing Android  training at  Marathalli, but there is something different about ITN, I am very happy to be get trained here.I Got 2 mini projects in Android.They Placed me in Snapbizz Bangalore.      

Phani Kumar