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What are the different phases of SDLC?
How does the process of Software Development Start?
Project Initiation
Requirement Gathering and Analysis
What is Requirement document and what it contains?
What is use case document and what it contains?
What is Basic path and Alternate Path?
Role of Business Analyst
Example for explaining each phase
Role of technical specification team
What is Technical specification document?
What is System Design?
Role of Design team
What is design document?
Role of architecture team
System development
Role of development team
Deliverable of Development phase
System testing
Role of testers and types of testing
User acceptance testing
System deployment
System maintenance
Events in the maintenance phase like bug fixes
How are the phases of STLC carried out?
What is testing?
Role of testers
Why do we need to test?
Activities involved in the testing phase
What is test plan and test case document?
Steps of test case execution
What does test case document contain?
How to write test case document?
What is required to test any application?
What is test case?
What does test case document contain?
How to write test case document?
Different test case techniques
What is Test Plan?
How to write test plan document?
What does the test plan document contain?
Who writes and approves the test plan document?
How manage the test case documents?
What is the pass/fail criterion?
Different Phases of testing
What is unit testing?
What is Minimum acceptance testing?
What is integration, system and system integration testing?
What is User acceptance testing?
What is Regression Testing?
What is a defect?
Various Defect tracking tools
How to use the defect tracking tools?
How to enter the details of defect in the defect tracking
How to identify a defect?
What is severity and priority?
What is Traceability Matrix[TM]?
Who Prepares the TM document?
What is the reference for writing TM?
What is the use of TM?
What is present in the TM document?
Sample TM
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