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MSBI Courses in HSR Layout Bangalore

Best MSBI Training in

MSBI Training in HSR Layout & Best MSBI Courses

IT Networks offers the best MSBI Training in HSR Layout with most experienced Real-time Working Professionals. We Provide Training for all MSBI Courses, which help students to get placement immediately after MSBI course completion. Our MSBI training program helps every student to achieve their goal in MSBI as a career option. Our experts have designed MSBI Course Content from basics to advanced level as per the industry needs.

IT Networks is a highly experienced MSBI Training Institute in HSR Layout. We provide the latest and most advanced and industry recognized MSBI Course Training. We provides flexible timings to all our students. And we offer Regular training classes in Morning Batches and Evening Batches we also offer Weekend Training classes and Fast-track Training Classes for MSBI Course.

Popular Interview Questions for MSBI Training

1.    SQL

2.      How many types of keys and explain?

3.      Diff  b/n  synchronous & asynchronous transformations

4.      How to create database

5.      Explain cursor

6.      Write the syntax for rank

7.      How to improve the query performance

8.      Define view & index view

9.      Define trigger & types of triggers

10.   Diff b/n  sp & function ,delete & truncate, temp tables & table variable

11.   Diff b/n  where & having clause

12.   Diff b/n  sub query & correlated  sub query

13.   Explain error handling in store procedure

14.   i/p1 :  id            sal                                    i/p2 :   id                sal                   o/p:  id         sal

                                                    i.     111      10,00                                             111          3000                          111    5000

                                                   ii.     222     15,000                                            111          2000                          222    6000      

                                                  iii.     333     20,000                                            222          5000                          333    8000    

1.      222          3000

2.      222          1000

3.      333          2000

4.      333          4000

                                                  iv.     333          6000 

15.   explain joins &cte

16.   diff b/n table scan & index scan

17.   can we update complex view or not

18.   explain locks

19.   diff b/n delete & update

20.   explain authentication

21.   explain sql profiler

22.   diff b/n replace & stuff

23.   what is execution plain

24.   explain dynamic sql

25.   explain sql statistics

26.   what is the scope of cte , temp tables, table variable

27.   how many bytes will tiny int, small int ,int, long int

28.   how to reseed the identity

29.   define covered index

30.   diff b/n sql server 2005 &sql  server 2008

31.   how to retrieve the 5th max salary in a table

32.   diff b/n get date () and sysdatetime()

33.   how can u execute @@error & @@row count  at the same time?

34.   Explain normalization forms

35.   Diff b/n synonym and view

36.   Diff b/n  joins & sub query

37.   Define dead lock

38.   i/p:     name                    o/p:

a.      sun                                  name  sun ,mon , tue

                                                    i.     mon

                                                   ii.     tue



40.   diff b/n  sequence & group container

41.   diff b/n controlflow& data flow

42.   explain event handler

43.   diff b/n  checkpoints  &  breakpoints

44.   what is scheduled job & scheduled task

45.   explain configurations,checkpoints,logging

46.   how to scheduled  the  ssis package

47.   error handling in ssis

48.   explain audit transform

49.   diff b/n look up & sort

50.   what are the protection levels, isolation levels in ssis

51.   explain logging modes in ssis

52.   how to handle the errors in package level

53.   diff b/n merge &merge join, union & union all, union all & multicast, look up& fuzzy lookup

54.   define derive column, conditional split, data conversion

55.   explain scd

56.   what are the events in event handler

57.   how to deploy the  package

58.   explain script task, ftp, send mail task

59.   diff b/n file system & ftp

60.   what are the cache modes

61.   diff b/n user defined & system defined variables

62.   how many types of constraints

63.   how many types of configurations

64.   how to deploy the project  explain in different ways?



66.   how to deploy a report

67.   how to scheduled the report

68.   how to improve the performance of report

69.   how many types of charts

70.   what is linked report, sub report ,matrix report, parameterized, cascade report

71.   define subscriptions & types of subscriptions

72.   how to provide security  for report

73.   diff b/n report server & report manager

74.   in report  ,how many rendering formats

75.   explain cache report

76.   explain snapshot report

77.   what is tablix


79.   How to generate a cube

80.   Define measure data, dimension data

81.   How to scheduled the cube

82.   Explain Mdx

83.   What is perspective, partitions

84.   Diff b/n ods&stagging area

85.   What is new named query, calculation

86.   Diff b/n oltp&olap

87.   Define dimension usage ,measure group

88.   Explain kpi’s

89.   Explain storage settings

90.   Define attribute,hierarchy,

91.   Define data warehousing

92.   Define survogate key? purpose of survogate key explain

93.   Define fact less fact table

94.   Diff b/n sets & couples

95.   How to create the hierarchy

96.   How to process the cube

97.   How to browse the cube data in excel sheet

98.   Diff b/n star & snow flake schema

99.   Explain types of measure

100.                    Define translation & browser

101.                    Diff b/n  cube processing & cube deployment

MSBI Training trainer Profile & Placement

  • More than 10 Years of experience in MSBI Training
  • Has worked on multiple realtime MSBI Training
  • Working in a top MNC company in
  • Trained 2000+ Students so far in MSBI Training .
  • Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge
  • Certified Professionals

MSBI Training Placement in

  • More than 2000+ students Trained in MSBI Training
  • 92% percent Placement Record
  • 1000+ Interviews Organized

MSBI Training batch size in

Regular Batch ( Morning, Day time & Evening)

  • Seats Available : 8 (maximum)

MSBI Training Weekend Training Batch( Saturday, Sunday & Holidays)

  • Seats Available : 8 (maximum)

MSBI Training Fast Track batch

  • Seats Available : 5 (maximum)

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MSBI Training Reviews

MSBI Training  in Bangalore - Marathahalli
IT Networks

4.9 out of 5
based on 6284 ratings.

I learn a lot about the Info on MSBI. Its good for the beginners and working People. It was precise and easy to learn, you can understand the way they teach in Real time Scenarios. The Trainer was great and its worth to join ITN. Great work by ITN you save me a lot in learning the ssis and its basics examples.. Outstanding MSBI class, I learned a lot of new stuff. Great intro to SSAS. I had no clue as to what was involved in learning MSBI. I learned that Sql server after 4 years is still a valued tool. I will take other courses involving Analytics in ITN, so I can possibly earn a position as an MSBI Developer


I learn a lot about the Info on MSBI. Its good for the beginners and working People. It was precise and easy to learn, you can understand the way they teach in Real time Scenarios. The Trainer was great and its worth to join ITN. Great work by ITN you save me a lot in learning the ssis and its basics examples.. Outstanding MSBI class, I learned a lot of new stuff. Great intro to SSAS. I had no clue as to what was involved in learning MSBI. I learned that Sql server after 4 years is still a valued tool. I will take other courses involving Analytics in ITN, so I can possibly earn a position as an MSBI Developer.

