Trainings :      +91 889 8888 448    |    Certifications :      +91 868 8881 863
1 Orientation Welcome to System Architect Essentials I
Course Overview
Completing the Exercises
Downloading the Exercise System
2 BPM and Case Management Overview Introduction to BPM and Case Management
Accessing a PRPC Application
Tour of the Designer Studio
3 Start Building an Application Introduction to the HR Services Application
Creating a New Application
Identifying Case Stages
4 Defining the Process Adding Processes to Stages
Modeling the Processes
Adding Business Use Cases to a Process
Review of Defining the Process
Defining the Data Elements Introduction to Data Elements
Introduction to Data Modeling
Setting Values of Data Elements
Inspecting Data Elements
Review of Defining the Data Elements
6 Enhancing the User Interface Introduction to UI
Designing Layouts
Creating Repeating Layouts
Formatting Data Elements
Validating Data Elements
Review of Enhancing the User Interface
7 Accessing Data in the Application Introduction to Data Tables
Accessing Data in the User Interface
Creating a Dynamic User Interface
Accessing External Systems
Review of Accessing Data in the Application
8 Automating Business Policies Introduction to Declarative Processing
Conditional Processing
Automating Business Processes Using Decision Rules
Review of Automating Business Policies
9 Advanced Case Processing Routing Cases
Case Stage Configuration
Creating an Optional Process
Introduction to Task Based Smart Shapes
Creating a Case Level SLA
Review of Advanced Case Processing
10 Documenting the Application Documenting an Application
11 Effective Application Development with PRPC HR Services Application Operational Walkthrough
The Building Blocks of a PRPC Application
Managing the Building Blocks of a PRPC Application
Guided Application Development Using Guardrails
12 Designing Enterprise Applications Using Case Management Best Practices fsor Case Management Design
Managing Enterprise Apps using Stage-Based Case Design
Best Practices for Effective Case Decomposition
Best Practices for Effective Process Decomposition
Guardrails for Case Management Design
13 Creating an Effective Data Model Best Practices for Designing a Data Model
Best Practices for Managing Data
Best Practices for Managing Reference Data
Sharing Data Across Cases and Subcases
Guardrails for Data Models
14 Integrating with External Data Sources Integrating with Databases
Guardrails for Integrating with External Data Sources
15 Creating Engaging User Experiences Designing the User Interface for Reuse and Maintainability
Building Assignment Focused (Intent-Driven) User Interfaces
Best Practices for Designing the User Interface
Using Advanced User Interface Controls
Managing Data for Selectable List Controls
Building Dynamic User Interfaces
Validating User Input
Guardrails for Creating Engaging User Experiences
16 Enforcing Business Policies Designing Business Rules for the Business User
Enforcing Business Policies using Service Levels
Notifying Users from Within a Process
Enforcing Business Policies Using Decision Rules
Enforcing Data Relationships with Declarative Rules
Guardrails for Enforcing Business Policies
17 Process Visibility Through Business Reporting Preparing Your Data for Reporting
Building Business Reports
Guardrails for Business Reporting
18 Best Practices for Preparing an Application for Testing Deployment Using Guardrail Reports to Ensure the Best Performance
Guidelines for Maintaining Requirements and Specifications
1 Orientation
2 Application Design Starting a Pega 7 Application
Introduction to RuleSets
Working with Branches
Rule Resolution
Enterprise Class Structure
Reusability and Specialization
3 Case Design Case Management - Under the Hood
Case Lifecycle Management (Stages)
Case Hierarchy
Creating and Editing Flows
Advanced Flow Processing
Screen Flows
Work Status
Work Parties
4 Data Model Building a Solid Foundation
Controlling Data with Properties
Source Your Data with Data Pages
5 User Experience Introduction to User Experience
Introduction to UI Architecture
Building the UI
Introduction to Responsive UI
Introduction to Styling an Application
Understanding Available Controls
Building Dynamic UI
6 Automating Business Policies Data Transforms
Case Attachments
Get Next Work
Declarative Processing
Declaratives Rules
Delegating Rules to the Business User
Automating Decisions
7 Reporting Creating Business User Reports
Configuring Reports
Data Model in Reports
Data Visualization using Charts
8 Integration Introduction to Integration
Error Handling and Debugging
Configuring a SOAP Connector
Setup a SOAP Service
Setup a File Listener
Interacting with an External Database
9 Architecture Standard Agents
Controlling Access to an Application
Authentication Using LDAP
Administration System Debugging
Designing for Performance
System Tuning and Maintenance
Pega Interview Questions And Answers :-
1.What is the difference between Page-Validate and
Property-Validate methods?
2.What is difference between Edit validate and Edit Input
3.Where assignments will be stored in pega rules database?
Pega Interview Questions And Answers
Pega Interview Questions And Answers
4.Where work objects will be stored ?
5.If I have 3 different work objects in my application, how
to store them in three different tables?
6.What is StepStatusGood, StepStatusFail rules?
7. How to make any rule as a favorite to your manager
8. Where can i see the paramater values in the clipboard (
values ..) i am passing one activity to other .
9. How to import rules using pzinskey
10. Difference between activity and utility
11. Difference between obj-open and obj-open-by-handled
12. Inheritance concept in the pega (rules, class)
13. Performance of our work in the pega is measured using?
14. How to connect to different pega applications?
15. How to store the instance of the class in a specific
16. Difference between obj-list, rdb-list?
17. How to see values of the local variables of the
18. How can i store the instance of the class in the data
19. default data table where the instance of the class are
store (how it will search ) pc_work
20. In Routing activity what is the default property used to
route the object
21. In routing activity if i use workbasket name instead of
work list name .. when can i know it is wrong (run time, complile time)
22. Notify
23. ticket: explain any senarion u used
24. table used for add note
25. Default activity used to create work object
26. Different type of flows. Explain in scenario based where
u used and worked
27. work object ID.. how to create.. activites ued to
create, or methods Work ID:
28. how to send multiple correspondences at a time
29. How to call an Activity from Java Script?
30. how to end the workobject in the activity ( method used
to kill the work object)
31. how to call an activity from the java, java script
32. How to pass parameters to the activity using the java,
33. How can I pass page as the parameter to the activity
using java, JavaScript?
34. How to call an Activity from Java step?
35. How to get a property value from clipboard using Java
36. How to restrict the harness, section to particular user
37. List different functions used to call an activity from
java script.
38. How a user’s ruleset list is formed ( the logic )?
39. How to connect external java application without using
40. Spinoff // split join explain
41. Privileges usage…
42. Decision / fork usage… Scenarios Decision:
43. How to expose the column in the blob… of the database
44. Explain The various standard attachments PRPC supports
45. Explain Some of the important property streams are
46. Explain How does the user validation works for
properties in PRPC
47. What are the different parsing mechanisms are available
in PRPC?
48. Concentrate on required fields of every rule (Rule that
you are familiar with )
49. Tell me about inheritance In PRPC?
50. Explain How to create pz, px, py properties?
**Semantric Space Pega Interview Questions**
1.What are the fields in the properties panel of an
assignment shape?
2.Where can we call the activities in a flow action?
3.What is Class structure of your Project? Explain about the
project Flow?
4.What is the Rule availability?
5.What is the Final availability and how can change
availability of Rule?
6.Can you Override Final rule?
7.What is the rule resolution Algorithm and can you tell me
how it works or search?
8.How it works in the while in Inheritance rule?
9.Can you tell me the direct inheritance and Pattern
10.What is the Work object?
11.Where is the work object stored?
12.Can you change the Work object table?
13.What are the standard properties?
**Wipro Pega Interview Questions**
1.What is SMA?
2.Differentiate Obj-Open Vs Obj-Browse
3.How do you handle exceptions
4.Differentiate the usage of Assignment Shape and Router
5.Where do you define default values
6.What is the primary key of pc_assign_worklist
**TCS Pega Interview Questions**
1.Difference between Java and Pega
2.Guardrails of Pega
3.What do you mean by Build for Change
4.Difference between page and pagelist
5.why we use connect-soap and can we use it to connect
external database
6.why we use connect-sql many shapes you know in pega.
8.what do you mean by calculate and edit declaratively not
9.what are tickets give scenario where you used tickets
10.What are the 6 R’s
**IBM Pega Interview Questions**
1) What is the Flow
Action? Explain about the FlowAction?
2) What is the
3) Explain
Obj-open, Obj-Save?
4) What is the
5) What is the
Harness? Section?
6) What is
7) Types of
8) What is the use
of property-set Method?
9) Diff b/w
Decision Table and Decision tree?
10) Declare
expression and Declare constraints?
**Accenture Pega Interview Questions**
1) How do you expose a property?
2) What is the need of exposing a property?
3) About obj-open,obj-save?
4) Difference obj-list, Obj-browse?
5) rdb-open, rdb-save?
6) What is a screen flow?
7) Difference between screen flow and process flow?
8) What is Split-ForEach?
9) Difference between page and page list?
10)what is the work object?Where it is Stored?Can We Change
The Table?
11)What is a class group?
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