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SQL Server Architecture
SQL Server Version’s and Editions
SQL server Installation and Configuration
System databases
Pages and extents
Sql server services
Sql server protocols
ACID properties
Recovery models
Security-Login and User, Principals, Securable, Managing Permissions
Authentication Modes
Server roles
Database roles
Isolation Levels and Concurrency
Locking and Blocking-Types of locks and Types of reads
Service accounts for SQL server
GUI Templates-object explorer, solution explorer, template explorer, registered servers
Command line tools-BCP, SQLCMD
Creating and Configuring Database
Altering Databases and Their Options-Using ALTER command, Controlling Access, Controlling DB state.
Linked servers
DAC-Dedicated Administrator Connection
CMS-Central Management Server
Data Compression and Backup Compression
Using ALTER Authorization Command
Schemas-Creating and working with schemas
Database snapshots
DBCC-And their parameters
Indexes-Types of Indexes, working and maintaining indexes, resolving index fragmentation, fill factor
Update statistics
SQL Server 2008 Top New Features
DMV’s-Types of Dynamic Management Views and working with them.
PBM-Policy Based Management
Resource governor
Performance data collector
SQL Server profiler
Maintenance Plans
Database mail
Types of Sql Server Backups and their important options.
Types of Restores and its related options
Orphan Users-Fixing orphan users
Log shipping
Database Mirroring
Replication-Types Replication
Basics of Windows Clustering
Overview of real time Third party Monitoring toolsEx:-Idera DM, Lite speed.
Overview of real time Ticketing tool-Ex:-Altiris, Remedy.
1. Explain
about your SQL Server DBA Experience.
2. What are
the different SQL Server Versions you have worked on?
3. What are
the different types of Indexes available in SQL Server?
4. What is
the difference between Clustered and Non-Clustered Index?
5. What are
the new features in SQL Server 2005 when compared to SQL Server 2000?
6. What are
the High-Availability solutions in SQL Server and differentiate them briefly.
7. How do
you troubleshoot errors in a SQL Server Agent Job?
8. What is
the default Port No on which SQL Server listens?
9. How many
files can a Database contain in SQL Server?How many types of data files exists
in SQL Server? How many of those files can exist for a single database?
10. What is
11. What are
the commands used in DCL?
12. What is
Fill Factor?
13. What is the
default fill factor value?
14. Where do you
find the default Index fill factor and how to change it?
15. What is a
system database and what is a user database?
16. What are
the recovery models for a database?
17. What is the
importance of a recovery model?
18. What is
19. What the different
types of Replication and why are they used?
20. What the
different components in Replication and what is their use?
21. What the
different Topologies in which Replication can be configured?
22. If you are
given access to a SQL Server, how do you find if the SQL Instance is a named
instance or a default instance?
23. What are
the different Authentication modes in SQL Server and how can you change
authentication mode?
24. What are
the differences in Clustering in SQL Server 2005 and 2008 or 2008 R2?
25. What is
meant by Active – Passive and Active – Active clustering setup?
26. List out
some of the requirements to setup a SQL Server failover cluster.
27. On a
Windows Server 2003 Active – Passive failover cluster, how do you find the node
which is active?
28. How do you
open a Cluster Administrator?
29. Due to some
maintenance being done, the SQL Server on a failover cluster needs to be
brought down. How do you bring the SQL Server down?
30. What are
the different ways you can create Databases in SQL Server?
31. When
setting Replication, can you have Distributor on SQL Server 2005, Publisher on
SQL Server 2008?
32. When
setting Replication, is it possible to have a Publisher as 64 Bit SQL Server
and Distributor or Subscribers as a 32 Bit SQL Server.
33. What is the
difference between dropping a database and taking a database offline?
34. Which
autogrowth database setting is good?
35. What are
the different types of database compression introduced in SQL Server 2008?
36. What are
the different types of Upgrades that can be performed in SQL Server?
37. What is
Transparent Data Encryption?
38. Does
Transparent Data Encryption provide encryption when transmitting data across
39. What are
the operating modes in which Database Mirroring runs?
40. What is the
difference between the 2 operating modes of Database Mirroring (mentioned in
above answer)?
41. What
purpose does the model database serve?
42. How do you
trace the traffic hitting a SQL Server?
43. What types
of replication are supported in SQL Server?
44. Why would
you use SQL Agent?
45. What
happens on checkpoint?
46. What is
47. How can you
control the amount of free space in your index pages?
48. Why would
you call Update Statistics?
49. What is a
correlated sub-query?
50. What authentication modes does SQL Server support?
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