Trainings :      +91 889 8888 448    |    Certifications :      +91 868 8881 863
Best Amazon Web Services training institute IT Networks in Marathahalli, Bangalore, provides real-time and placement oriented Amazon Web Services training in Bangalore. IT Networks provide the Best Amazon Web Services training courses in Bangalore. ITN Amazon Web Services training course content is designed from basics to advanced levels. We have a team of Amazon Web Services experts who are working professionals with hands-on real-time Amazon Web Services projects knowledge, which will give students an edge over other Training Institutes. Amazon Web Services training course content is designed to get the placement in major MNC companies in Bangalore as soon as you complete the Amazon Web Services training course.
Best Amazon Web Services training institute in Bangalore focuses on the needs of the Amazon Web Services community. IT Networks listed one of the top Amazon Web Services training institutes in Bangalore. We offer Amazon Web Services education for working professionals. Amazon Web Services training in Bangalore understands the need of Amazon Web Services community. We offer all Amazon Web Services training courses as students option. IT Networks provide free Amazon Web Services training materials of soft copy and hard copy. Discover best Amazon Web Services training in Bangalore at IT Networks.
Our Amazon Web Services training courses help to students to get placement immediately after course completion. Our practical, real-time Amazon Web Services project scenarios training helps to work on Amazon Web Services projects. Our Amazon Web Services training program helps every student to achieve their goal in Amazon Web Services career.
Best Training Institute, IT Networks, Marathahalli Bangalore offers training with choice of multiple training locations across Bangalore. IT Networks Amazon Web Services training centers are having Best lab facilities and excellent infrastructure. We have successfully trained and provided placement for many of our Trained Amazon Web Services students, Amazon Web Services training course fee is very economical compared to other Training Institutes In Bangalore.
Amazon Web Services Training In Bangalore, IT Networks provide regular training classes, Morning Batches, Evening Batches, weekend training classes and fast-track training classes for Amazon Web Services. Ecaretechnologies provides online and Corporate training classes for Amazon Web Services.
AWS Solution Architect Course Content:
Basic Networking
Networking Concepts
➢ What is IP
➢ Types of IP’s
➢ Classes of IP’s
➢ Private IP’s
➢ NAT Gateway
➢ What is Subnetting
➢ How to create Subnets of
different sizes in depth
1. Networking
Virtual Private Cloud
Virtual Private Cloud
➢ Subnet
➢ Egress Only Internet
➢ DHCP Option Sets
➢ Elastic IPs
➢ Endpoints
➢ NAT Gateway and NAT server
➢ Peering connection
➢ Network ACL
➢ Security Group
VPN Connection
➢ Customer Gateway
➢ Virtual Private Gateway
2. Elastic Cloud Computing
EC2 in AWS
➢ Working with Linux
➢ Working with Windows
➢ Images -AMIs
➢ EBS -Volumes and Snapshots
(offline increase and online increase)
➢ Network and security -SG, EIP,
Key Pair, Network Interface
➢ Load Balancing -Classic Load
Balancer / application Load Balancer
➢ Auto scaling -Launch
3. Linux with AWS
Working with Linux in AWS
➢ Converting PEM to PPK &
➢ Windows to Linux –cmd (putty)
using PPK.
➢ Windows to Linux –Directory Mode
(WinSCP)using PPK.
➢ Linux to Linux Login using
➢ Disk Management in Linux.
➢ Package installation and port
➢ User management.
➢ Understanding with is Bastion
why it is needed in AWS environment.
➢ Understanding Repository
servers and why it is needed in AWS Environment.
➢ How to work with NAT Gateway
and server and why it is needed in AWS
4. Elastic File Storage
Elasti File Storage
➢ Creating EFS Storage
➢ Connecting to Linux instance
➢ Configuring under Load
balancer for shared storage with Load Balancer monitored by Auto-scaling
➢ Working with multiple instance
5. Relational Database Service
Database in AWS
➢ Creating MySQL Database Engine
➢ Connecting to Database from
Web and Application servers
➢ Understanding Multi AZ
➢ Understanding Dynamo DB
6. IAM
Identity and Access Management
➢ User -Console and Programmatic
➢ Group
➢ Policies -AWS Managed and
custom Policies.
➢ IAM Role
Service to service.
Account to account CAA.
➢ Account settings
➢ Credential reports
➢ Multi Factor Authentication
➢ Encryption -Ex: Volume
Encryption, Working with encrypted snapshots.
Migrating Encrypted volumes
Creating own Encryption Keys
Encrypting the un-encrypted volumes with KMS
7. S3
Object Storage
➢ Bucket/object Management
➢ Version Control
➢ Lifecycle Management
➢ Cross Region Replication
➢ Glacier
➢ Permissions
➢ S3 Storage Types
➢ Static Website Hosting
➢ Connecting buckets from AWS
command line. Migrating data form server to S3.
➢ Pushing All Server logs to S3
and writing own policy for retention with storage.
➢ Set CRON Job to sync Linux
8. Route 53
Domain Managment
➢ Record Sets Type
➢ Routing Policy
➢ Hosted Zone
➢ Health Check
➢ Traffic Policy
9. Monitoring
CloudWatch Management
➢ Cloud Watch -creating custom
cloud watch metrics for log files and creating own dashboard. Configuring alarm
for specific threshold.
➢ Cloud trial
➢ Trust Advisor
10. Cloud Formation
Automation in AWS
➢ Working With Templet
➢ AWSTemplateFormatVersion
➢ Writing JSON code
Metadata and User-data
➢ Creating own JSON Templet
➢ Understanding Stack Structure
and working with them
➢ Update and delete Stack
11. Additional Service
Additional Service
➢ SNS and SQS
➢ Lambda (example with API
➢ Cloud front
12. Elastic Container services
ECS Part 1
➢ Installing Docker
➢ Create a Docker Image
➢ Push your images to Docker Hub
private and public
➢ Push your image to Amazon
Elastic Container Registry
➢ Docker Basics for Amazon ECS
➢ Create a container from
➢ Create a images from container
(golden images)
➢ Understanding Port mappings to
container instance.
13. Elastic Container services
ECS Part 2
➢ Docker with Amazon ECS
➢ Lunching containers from ECS.
➢ Creating Cluster in ECS.
➢ Hosting Applications in
container with ECS
➢ Configuring Task Definitions
➢ Configuring Service in cluster
➢ Setting up Application load
balancer and connecting all containers with ALB
➢ Configuring container cluster
with Auto-Scaling
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